Toby Graf
Munich, Germany

How can we scale humans to unlock the next stage of productivity? Toby believes by looking at the right data, synthesizing it, drawing conclusions to take actions, and montioring and correcting those actions at scale and through digital systems.
Prior to joining Hitachi Ventures, Toby worked for Credit Suisse in Switzerland, across private, corporate, and investment banking, focusing on entrepreneurs and executives across the life cycle of their journey, finding solutions for private and corporate needs. At Hitachi Ventures, he is particularly looking into digital technologies to scale human activity.
He holds an MBA from IESE in Spain and is also a former officer in the Swiss military.
Personal Notes
Toby likes moving objects fast, either up and down in the gym or in circles on the motorbike race track.
Areas of Interest
- Data
- Digital Infrastructure (HW & SW)
- Cybersecurity
- AI
- Human Efficiency and Augmentation
Active Investments
Thea Energy